Monday, September 22, 2008

OMS Beginning

On January 8, 2008 I was struck with a simple stomach virus where I was unable to hold anything down for three days. At the time I had an 8 month old baby that I was nursing 3 to 5 times a night. The nursing had probably brought down my immunities.

By January 10 I was probably pretty dehydrated and exhausted from throwing up. I was drinking Gatorade and losing it within an hour. Somehow, I was still trying to nurse my baby. Thank God he didn't catch the stomach virus.

On January 11 I was delirious and don't remember much. I do remember trying to crawl into my baby's bedroom the night before and feeling extremely shaky. My husband decided to take me to the nearest ER for an IV. He left our kids with the neighbors, and they carried me to the car. I remember being admitted and laying on a bed for two hours before finally getting an IV to get some liquids. There was a doctor that finally arrived who looked at my eyes which were moving quickly up and down and to the side. He immediately ordered a CAT scan. He thought I had MS.

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